Thursday 7 November 2013

Things you Must Know: The Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant native to Southern Asia and is within the ginger family. This plant, which grows 5 to 6 feet in height, is used primarily for its roots. This yellow culinary spice is the main ingredient in Indian curry.

Research has recently hailed turmeric for its medical marvels due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

There are numerous conditions in which turmeric is helpful with. From Alzheimer’s to cancer this spice has been hailed as a wonderful medical remedy since the ancient of days. 

Here is a list of 15 Benefits of Turmeric

  1. Natural pain killer.
  2. Speeds up wound healing.
  3. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
  4. Researchers at UCLA found that Curcumin blocks an enzyme that promotes the growth of head and neck cancer.
  5. Turmeric can fight skin, colon, breast, and stomach cancers, according to early studies from the University of Maryland.
  6. Improves digestion by stimulating the production of bile in the gallbladder.
  7. Chinese medicine has used this spice for treatment of depression.
  8. It’s a natural potent anti-inflammatory which can ease headaches, muscles, asthma, and joint pain.
  9. A paste of turmeric helps with swelling of bruises and bumps, much like an ice pack.
  10. Washing regularly with turmeric helps to slow the growth of hair on the face.
  11. Turmeric can be used as a facial toner.
  12. The spice can be used to fight skin rashes.
  13. When mixed with warm milk alternative, turmeric is effective in fighting a sore throat.
  14. Turmeric helps with triglycerides and therefore heart health.
  15. Aids in supporting blood glucose levels.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Basic nutritional aspects of turmeric include a 26% daily value in manganese and 16% in iron. It's also an excellent source of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, and healthy amounts of vitamin C and magnesium.
While it's improbable that someone would ingest an entire ounce of turmeric in one sitting (although it would be completely safe), the nutritional aspects listed above can be seen more easily in this amount than in a teaspoon, which accounts for zero amount of anything. But one tablespoon, being a more reasonable serving, does communicate excellent phytonutrients. In fact, turmeric is effective even in very small quantities, such as one serving of a turmeric-spiced dish.
The health benefits of turmeric include an improved ability to digest fats, reducing gas and bloating, decreased congestion, and improved skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Turmeric has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in Chinese and Indian medicine for millennia. Curcumin, the primary pharmacological agent in this spice, contains proven effects in this area that are comparable to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents as well as some prescription medications. But curcumin doesn't produce the toxic effect that synthetic drugs sometimes do, such as ulcer formation, internal bleeding, and even a lowered white blood cell count.
More reported health benefits of turmeric include relief from joint pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, reduced joint swelling, and greater range of motion when used regularly. It's another case of the spice alone having similar effects to that of a prescription medication, but with fewer symptomatic downsides.
Research also suggests that turmeric may be helpful in treating inflammatory bowel diseases, lowering cholesterol counts, protecting the heart, relieving indigestion, improving liver function, and even preventing Alzheimer's disease. Cancer prevention and inhibited cancer cell growth –specifically cancer of the breast, colon, prostate, and lung, and childhood leukemia – are also on the list of possible benefits.

Turmeric Nutrition Facts

One ounce of turmeric (28 grams)
Amt. Per Serving
18 g
6 g
2 g
1 g

Studies Done on Turmeric

One study noted that curcumin, the major component of the spice turmeric, has several therapeutic effects, one being the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. Curcumin was studied against triple-negative breast cancer, which scientists noted has a poor prognosis, after which researchers concluded that curcumin may be able to inhibit the proliferation of TNBC cells, possibly due to a change in the signaling pathway of the cancer's underlying molecular mechanism.1
Turmeric extracts were also tested and found to have skin-improving properties. In one study, extracts of turmeric were used on ultraviolet radiation-damaged skin for six weeks. Scientists reported improvements in skin hydration and sebum content, along with possibilities that similar creams could be used in future photoprotective formulations.
In another study, an ethanol extract of turmeric and curcumin ointment were found to produce significant pain relief in patients with external cancerous lesions.
For more information on Pain Management, Andrew and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810.  Also, please check our website for more information and as us about what we do at Osteoklinika and our Bio-Structural Integration treatment program. - Andrew Subieta   

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Do You Have Pain in Your Elbow?

You're right!  It is also referred to as 'tennis elbow' and it is a painful condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender. It is commonly associated with playing tennis and other racquet sports, when really the injury can happen during daily living routines and especially with manual workers such as construction workers and waiters.


Over-exertion, over-use, or performing motions you are not accustomed to.  If you are a golfer you are likely to develop 'golfer's' elbow or Medial Epicondylitis.  Even if you are NOT a golfer or a tennis player, you can develop 'golfer's elbow'.

These very tender elbows can take up to 6 months to heal!  We have had a great deal of success in speeding up the healing process with our Low Intensity Laser Treatments!  Please don't suffer too long. #tenniselbow #golferselbow #osteoklinika
For more information, Andrew and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810.  Also, please check our website for more information about what we do at Osteoklinika!  

How Is It Done? How Do We Differ from Chiropractic and Physiotherapy?

The treatment of Bio-Structural Integration™ takes four steps:

1. Osteopathic adjustments

2. Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

3. BioFlex Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT)

4. Rehabilitative Yoga

Rehab Yoga, the final stage of Bio-Structural IntegrationOsteopathic adjustments first include release of the tight dural membrane that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. This tightness affects the Central Nervous System preventing the healing process. It is common after trauma or other stress put on the body.

It is followed by structural corrections of the joints. When alignment of the body is improved other osteopathic techniques and Massage Therapy are used to release muscles and connective tissues.

Electrotherapy and therapeutic ultrasound may also be implemented to interrupt the pain cycle. This integrative session takes 1 hour.

Then to trigger faster healing at the bimolecular level, Laser Therapy is recommended in a separate session. This may take 30 to 60 minutes depending on the condition being treated.

This unique method of treatment is very effective because it addresses musculoskeletal conditions on every level including stimulation of cellular regeneration. The process of recovery is faster therefore the therapy is cost effective compared to the other modalities commonly offered in alternative health care. - Andrew Subieta

For more information, Andrew and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810.  Also, please check our website for more information about what we do at Osteoklinika!  

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Pain, Your Mind and How it Works!

Many of you have a few aches and pains and a lot of people live with chronic, sometimes crippling pain.

What is pain? The dictionary defines it as physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. As you grow from a child to an adult you learned that if you arm hurts, you treated your arm, you stomach or whatever body part that you felt was the problem. Please understand that yes, pain is real and there to let you know that something is wrong but that is not the pain I am referring to. This article is discussing chronic pains like the ones you have with any chronic issue, like arthritis, Crohns, fibromyalgia …that sort.

The truth is that, even though you are injured or ill, your pain signal is just that, a signal. It is sent to your mind and that is what gets your attention. This is not a new idea. It has been used for centuries and it works quite nicely. If you have tried pills and potions and found them unsatisfactory, finding what you need right inside your brain just may be quite helpful for you.

You have several levels of pain response; mental, emotional and physical. OK, you have an injury. It sends signals up your sensory path that will give you a physical sensation. You may tense up against that and “push against’ the pain. The second path takes the information to the areas of your brain that process emotion. (amygdala and the anterior cingulate cortex). So you feel upset and may cry, shake or have other emotional reactions. So there you have it, you are having two reactions to your injury, one emotional and one physical. If you can calm both of these reactions your pain will diminish.

The first technique to learn is to relax into the pain. As you consciously relax the area that is troubling you, the pain decreases. Take having an injection for example. If you tense the muscle the needle is to pierce, the added resistance will create a denser wall to penetrate. If, however, you relax the area, there is less resistance. Same with any other pain. When you tense the affected area you create resistance and, like the Law of Attraction says, “what you resist persists” the same is true for pain. - C. Roberts

Ask about our Biostructural Integration™ program, which includes Rehabilitative Yoga.

For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810.  Also, please check our website for more information about what we do at Osteoklinika! 

Monday 4 November 2013

BioStructural Integration™ Therapy: OsteoKlinika Will Change the Face of Alternative Therapy in Ten Years!

I believe that my method of Bio-Structural Integration™ developed for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions is going to change the face of Alternative Therapy within the next 10 years. Here is why. - A. Subieta

All of us know about physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture or massage therapy.  Unfortunately these modalities are used in isolation and do not address the problem at multiple levels. Therapy that is centered around only one system simply doesn't work.

The body functions as a unit.  When we get injured the central nervous system may be affected, the joints will develop subluxation, the muscles will be in spasm, connective tissue and fascia become tight, the inflammatory process sets in, even internal organs can be affected.  Every cell in our body works synergistically together to maintain homeostasis. When one system is disturbed the other cannot function properly.  In my method of Bio-Structural Integration™ I address the dysfunction at every level.  Within one treatment I use Cranial Osteopathy to release central nervous system lesions.  After that I use Osteopathic Structural Adjustments to correct the joints, followed by Myofascial Release of connective tissue.  Neuromuscular Massage is implemented to reduce muscular tension, and electrotherapy helps to interrupt the pain cycle.  All of the above is done within a 1 hour treatment.   After the structure is realigned I recommend BioFlex Low Intensity Laser Therapy to deal with the inflammatory process.  Healing is now stimulated at the cellular level.  This session may take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the condition being treated.

After the pain is reduced and structure realigned, my patients have a one-on-one session with a Certified Yoga Teacher to show them proper Rehab Yoga exercises to stretch and strengthen the injured area. One month free membership is provided to each patient by OsteoKlinika in one of the Hot Yoga Wellness locations depending on your choice.

The program of rehabilitation is around 5 weeks long and provides more than 90% of success in bringing back a pain free life.  If you have tried every possible known therapy and still have pain, you shouldn't give up!  During many years of practise I developed protocols for numerous difficult to treat conditions.  Do you want to be pain free?

Bio-Structural Integration™ sets the new standard of rehabilitation that is unique, effective and provides a quick relief from pain.  - Andrew Subieta M.Sc., R.M.T., CLT.

For more information, Andrew and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810.  Also, please check our website for more information about what we do at Osteoklinika! 


Osteopathy? What is it?

Osteopathy is the knowledge of the structure, relation and function of each part of the human body applied to the correction of whatever interferes with its harmonious operation.”- George V. Webster, D.O., 1921

In Ontario, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners maintain, improve or restore the normal physiological function of interrelated body structures and systems, and, enhance the body’s natural ability to health itself. They use various manual assessment and treatment techniques and modalities to help people of all ages and backgrounds who suffer injury, pain or other health concerns by easing the pain, reducing swelling, improving tissue mobility and promoting efficient healing.  Restricted  or constricted areas of the body – areas which are not moving normally or are “strangled” or “squeezed” may exist in the following systems:

  • musculoskeletal
  • respiratory
  • cardiovascular
  • digestive
  • reproductive
  • nervous
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners seek to identify and then gently ease the restrictions or constrictions so the body can function normally again.
Manual osteopathy is based on 4 basic principles:
  1. Each structure in the body supports the body’s functions. If a structure is damaged, out of place, or otherwise not working properly, the body will not function at its best.
  2. The natural flow of the body’s fluids – lymphatic, vascular, and neurological – must be preserved and maintained.
  3. The human body is the sum of its parts. Its physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive systems don’t work independently - they work in harmony.
  4. When the body has no restrictions, it has the inherent ability to heal itself.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners recognize that a patient is an "integrated whole". When all of the body’s components are in balance, a person is complete and in total health.

For more information, Andrew Subieta can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810.  Also, please check our website for more information about what we do at Osteoklinika!