Wednesday 8 October 2014

The Olive Leaf: The Tree of Life

Olive Leaf is a gift to us from "The Tree of Life," diet for the maintenance of good health and the prevention of disease. Extending an Olive branch has been a traditional means of offering peace since ancient times, and the Olive Leaf has remained the symbol of peace and prosperity to this very day.

The Olive Leaf is a powerful and effective medicinal that contains tremendous healing properties for the immune, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and lymphatic system. It is particularly beneficial in fighting viruses and bacteria in the body such as Shingles, Herpes, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Klebsiella pneumonia and can help to wipe out colds & flu viruses faster than most medications. Olive Leaf also has the ability to significantly lower blood pressure and maintain it at a healthy level. It contains a compound called Oleuropein which helps to prevent the constriction of arteries, increase blood flow, and improve functioning of the heart. It also helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and prevent the risk of strokes and heart disease. Olive leaf has been known to benefit those suffering with diabetes, high cholesterol, bronchitis, gastritis, and auto-immune disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, addison disease, guillain-barre syndrome, arthritis, colitis, lupus, celiac disease, eczema, scleroderma, psoriasis, cardiomyopathy, graves disease, and HIV. Olive leaf contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties which helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and increase energy and flexibility in the body. It is also a great digestive aid and helps to remove excess acidity from the body.

Olive Leaf extract can be found online or at your local health food store in liquid, tincture, cream, and phyto-cap form. Dried olive leaf can be found in tea and capsule form. Consider adding olive leaf to your medicine cabinet for a potent natural remedy and an incredible immune booster. (Thanks to Medical Medium) 

For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810. Also, please check our website for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™, or our Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter pages.  

Monday 6 October 2014

Our Eyes Need Our Help - Naturally!

Vision problems are quickly becoming a common disease in this day and age. With an exponential increase in the number of hours we spend in front of a computer or TV screen, the phenomenon comes as no surprise. 

Our eyes get strained when we look at an image, the eyes focus on it and the light rays enter the eyes through the iris; this is then focused on the cornea or lens of the eye. The image formed is then transmitted to the brain, which tells us what we are seeing. All this activity needs the coordination of both the structures of the eyes and their muscles.

When we look at objects like a computer or phone screen the eyes and the muscles around the eyes are worked excessively as they are trying to adjust to the light that is emitted from the screen. This constant adjustment to quickly changing images or text is what causes the structures within the eye to get strained. According to leading eye surgeon, Dr Rohit Shetty of Narayana Netralaya:

‘The human eye was not made to look at images we see on the television or phone. The adjustment it has to make is one of the greatest reasons for their deterioration.’

In order to rectify this damage Sri Ravi Shankar says, ‘It is necessary to improve the circulation to our eyes and the optic nerves to keep them healthy, as they are constantly at work.’

There is something we can do.While visual errors are mitigated by a large number of factors one of the leading causes is strain and fatigue of the eye. To help you help your eyes recover, here are some Ayurvedic tips according that will keep the damage to your eyes in check.

Exercises for the Eyes

Stimulate your eye muscles:

This exercise is simple, but must be done every morning. On waking up, wash your face with water (preferably cool or a little cold water). Then fill your mouth with water, close your eyes and splash cold water onto your eyes.

This exercise helps stimulate the muscles of the eyes, due to the pressure exerted by the water filled in your mouth. The splash of cold water on your face helps enliven the nerve endings and rejuvenates the skin.

Massage overworked eyes:

This is a great exercise for people who work for long hours in front of computers. Hold your eyebrows between your thumb and index finger, in such a way that the thumb is above the eyebrow and index finger below. Now, gently press and straighten your eyebrows, exerting gentle pressure on all the points. Then, take your thumb and gently roll it around your eye ball, i.e: along your eye socket. Do this exercise every three to four hours to improve the circulation around your eyes.This exercise improves circulation around the eyes helping them bounce back from the fatigue of constantly looking at a computer screen (Read: Computer vision syndrome)

Exercise the muscles around your eyes

This exercise is done to stimulate the muscles around your eye balls (that are present within the eye socket). Rotate your eyeballs, first to the right and left, then upwards and downwards. Do this in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for about three to four repetitions.

Give your eyes some much needed rest

This technique has been practiced in ayurveda for a number of years. Later picked up by optometrist Dr Bates, it was named palming. To  do this, rub the palms of both your hands for 30 seconds – till you feel warm between the two palms – then place them gently over the eyes. Hold this position for about one minute or till the heat decreases. Slowly open your eyes. Beware not to look directly at bright light after this; allow your eyes to gradually acclimatize to the change in the environment.

Bat those eyelids

Blinking is the eyes natural way to renew the moisture in the eyes and give it some much needed relief. To help your eyes relax, make it a habit to blink after every five to six seconds.

Get some shut eye

Sound sleep is very essential. It not only allows your body to heal and rest, it also gives your eyes much needed relief from bright lights and strain. Sleeping also is a time your body repairs itself, so getting enough time to nap helps the renewal process in the body, especially in the eyes. Experts say that meditating for about ten minutes before you go to bed is the best way to ensure sound sleep. 

Diet for healthy, stress free eyes

Apart from all the exercises you perform your diet is an essential aid to the repair and renewal process. Here are some diet tips you should follow for healthy eyes:

Almonds, raisins and figs are elixirs for the eyes. To help them cope with the demands of your day-to-day activities with this home remedy. Soak six to ten almonds, fifteen raisins and two figs (anjeer) overnight in some water. Eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. The high amount of fiber and vitamins in these fruits helps speed up the digestive processes and helps the body get rid of toxins, thereby helping in resolving eye related problems.

Another good home remedy for eye related disorders is to have one cup of carrot and Indian gooseberry juice, on an empty stomach in the morning. Carrot and Indian gooseberry (amla) have a lot of vitamin A and are store houses of antioxidants that help beat the ill effects of oxidative-stress in the body.

The benefits of copper as a micro-nutrient are innumerable, but one of its greatest benefits is that it is a very potent antibacterial agent. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend drinking one litre of water, stored overnight in a copper vessel, lends innumerable healing properties to the eyes and other vital organs.

Include foods rich in Vitamin A into your daily diet. Foods like carrots, green leafy vegetables, gooseberries, oranges, or fig and almonds are packed with this essential vitamin.

Lastly, avoid a lot of meat, spicy and preservative-laden foods. They lead to the buildup of toxins, that the body finds extremely difficult to flush out. These toxins build up and lead to various diseases including vision related problems. 

Naturally, this can really help your eyes!

 Image source:  Borrowed from:  Pavitra Sampath

For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810. Also, please check our website for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™, or our Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter pages.