What would you expect if a chiropractor, a massage therapist and a physiotherapist worked on you at the same time?
A Disagreement!
- The chiropractor will tell you that the origin of the problem is in your joints;
- the R.M.T. will say that it is in the tight muscles; and
- the physiotherapist will find muscular weakness and recommend strengthening exercises.
Who would you believe?
The truth is that all of them could be correct!
The only problem is that they would not work as a team or in tandem on you in the same room and each treatment would be performed in isolation.
The body works as a functional unit and all of the systems are interconnected. A therapeutic approach that concentrates only on one of the systems will not produce good results. In addition, outside of the joints, ligaments and muscles, there is also the Central Nervous System (CNS), viscera (internal organs), and fascia that can create restrictions which are not addressed in chiropractic, massage or physiotherapy. Chronic inflammation very often cannot be removed using these modalities either and taking anti-inflammatory medication can have serious side effects.
Only 1 Hour!

BioFlex Laser Therapy triggers many positive physiological reactions at the cellular level removing inflammatory fluids. When this is achieved adjustment of the subluxated joints and release of the soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc.) becomes much easier.
Rehabilitative exercises stretch and strengthen muscles and connective tissues allowing for optimal alignment of the body. Utilizing this method of Bio-Structural Integration™ restores normal range of motion, eliminates pain and ultimately will improve your quality of life. - Andrew Subieta M.Sc. R.M.T. C.L.T.
For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810. Also, please check our website www.osteoklinika.com for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™ at Osteoklinika! #biostructuralintegration #osteoklinika