The Olive Leaf: The Tree of Life
Olive Leaf is a gift to us from "The Tree of Life," diet for the maintenance of good health and the prevention of disease. Extending an Olive branch has been a traditional means of offering peace since ancient times, and the Olive Leaf has remained the symbol of peace and prosperity to this very day.
The Olive Leaf is a powerful and effective medicinal that contains tremendous healing properties for the immune, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and lymphatic system. It is particularly beneficial in fighting viruses and bacteria in the body such as Shingles, Herpes, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Klebsiella pneumonia and can help to wipe out colds & flu viruses faster than most medications. Olive Leaf also has the ability to significantly lower blood pressure and maintain it at a healthy level. It contains a compound called Oleuropein which helps to prevent the constriction of arteries, increase blood flow, and improve functioning of the heart. It also helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and prevent the risk of strokes and heart disease. Olive leaf has been known to benefit those suffering with diabetes, high cholesterol, bronchitis, gastritis, and auto-immune disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, addison disease, guillain-barre syndrome, arthritis, colitis, lupus, celiac disease, eczema, scleroderma, psoriasis, cardiomyopathy, graves disease, and HIV. Olive leaf contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties which helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and increase energy and flexibility in the body. It is also a great digestive aid and helps to remove excess acidity from the body.
Olive Leaf extract can be found online or at your local health food store in liquid, tincture, cream, and phyto-cap form. Dried olive leaf can be found in tea and capsule form. Consider adding olive leaf to your medicine cabinet for a potent natural remedy and an incredible immune booster. (Thanks to Medical Medium)
For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810. Also, please check our website for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™, or our Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter pages.
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