Over 15 years ago we discovered that therapy centered around only one system simply does not work. Why? The body functions as a unit. When we get injured the central nervous system may be affected, the joints will develop misalignment, the muscles will be in spasm, connective tissue and fascia become tight, the inflammatory process sets in, even internal organs can be affected. Every cell in our body works synergetically together to maintain homeostasis.
When one system is disturbed the other cannot function properly. In our method of Bio-Structural Integration™ we address the dysfunction at every level.
Within one treatment Cranial Osteopathy is used to release central nervous system lesions. After that Osteopathic Structural Adjustments are used to correct the joints, followed by Myofascial Release of connective tissue.
Neuromuscular Massage is implemented to reduce muscular tension, and Electrotherapy helps to interrupt the pain cycle.
All of the above is done within a 1 hour treatment. After the structure is realigned, we recommend BioFlex Low Intensity Laser Therapy to deal with inflammation. Now the healing is stimulated at the cellular level. This session may take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the condition being treated. Elimination of inflammatory process assists in structural stabilization of the joints. The program of rehabilitation is around 5 weeks long and provides consistently over 90% of success in bringing back a pain-free life. If you have tried every possible known therapy and still have pain, you shouldn't give up! During many years of my practice I developed protocols for numerous difficult- to-treat conditions in athletes.
Laser Therapy for Athletes
Laser therapy offers a non-invasive, pain free, therapeutic option that can effectively address the common challenges of the avid athlete. In particular, Laser Therapy is beneficial for the acceleration of muscle tissue repair as well as the reduction of muscle fatigue. Through the stimulation of the cellular mitochondria and muscle satellite cells, Laser Therapy can ultimately delay the development of skeletal muscle fatigue, improve skeletal muscle performance, prevent muscle damage and reduce pain in the case of injury. These clinical effects are of great relevance to professional and recreational athletes and could have dramatic implications for sports performance in the future.

Equestrienne: Hilary
Hilary is a 17 year old equestrienne whose horse rolled on her, applying a generous portion of its thousand pound weight to her hip joint. The injury left her with a limp, steady and severe pain, and an audible and visible click with each step. This was her condition when she came in for an assessment, accompanied by her admittedly sceptical mother.
Hilary’s mother scanned around the clinic and saw the grateful testimonials and celebrity athletes’ photos. Her first thought was, “Why is all this necessary? Why are they trying so hard to convince me this works?” Each previous specialist who had examined her daughter had pronounced her case “unique”—meaning wholly unprecedented and without any established treatment protocol. After varied, unsuccessful treatment attempts, Hilary was left to get on with her life, accompanied by painkillers. Eventually, she was also given antidepressants to try to alleviate her sense of hopelessness. An understandably discouraging outcome for an active young person.
Hilary's assessment: “There was extensive soft tissue damage in the hip and thigh area, and the joint capsule of the hip was damaged such that the head of the femur almost popped out with every step. Orthopedic surgeons hadn't been able to heal this injury. It’s always sad to see a young person—or any person— given a heavy load of pharmaceuticals. While I didn't promise her mother any guaranteed outcome, I did tell her that I was sure we could improve Hilary’s quality of life.”
After four treatments, there was such a significant improvement in Hilary’s pain that she quit her meds. Her limp was also improving and the "skeptical" Mom noticed “a bounce in her step” when she walked to the car from the clinic one day—something she hadn’t seen since before the riding accident.
Dr. Kahn concludes, “Hilary continued treatments three times a week until she achieved 100% of her normal gait and has remained free of medication. Indeed, she’s resumed a completely normal existence.”
Final word goes to Mom: “As a parent, it’s very difficult to see your child in pain; to see her limping and having difficulty taking stairs. Hilary had been treated as a lost cause because of her non-response to other forms of therapy. What do I say to skeptics? Only that I have no problem giving my own testimonial now and having it displayed. I saw an amazing and dramatic improvement in such a short period of time…it’s incredible.”
Laser Therapy on Muscle Tissue

Athletes, people with injured muscles, and patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy may all benefit from the use of low intensity laser therapy. LILT has recently expanded to cover areas of medicine that were not previously thought of as the usual applications such as: wound healing and inflammatory orthopedic conditions.
One of these novel application areas is for muscle fatigue and muscle injury. Since it is becoming agreed that mitochondria are the principal photo-acceptors present inside cells, and it is known that muscle cells are exceptionally rich in mitochondria, this suggests that LILT should be highly beneficial in muscle injuries.
The ability of LILT to stimulate stem cells and progenitor cells means that muscle satellite cells may respond well to LILT and help muscle repair. Furthermore the ability of LILT to reduce inflammation and lessen oxidative stress is also beneficial in cases of muscle fatigue and injury. This review covers the literature relating to LILT and muscles in both pre-clinical animal experiments and human clinical studies.
So many careers are cut short due to shoulder injury and Laser Therapy offers a therapeutic intervention that could increase the longevity of a baseball pitchers career.
Baseball pitchers are exposed to extremes of stress, imposed in throwing a ball at speeds over 100 km per hour. These movements subject a number of anatomical regions to repetitive motion type injuries, including the shoulder, elbow, cervical and thoracolumbar spine. As might be anticipated, the most common and most serious injuries sustained by pitchers involve the shoulder joint. The reasons for this are quite obvious. From an anatomical perspective, the shoulder joint and the surrounding tissues are structurally complex, highly mobile and involved in most upper body movements.
At Osteoklinika, we feel a more rational and elegant therapy would be to adopt the following strategy:
- Shoulder anatomy highlighting the nerves and muscles of the shoulder joint
- The administration of Laser Therapy daily
- Massage as indicated
- The initiation of gentle stretching 1-2 weeks post injury
- Rest (during early phase of injury)

To discuss your situation, please call me at 905.660.8810 or email me at Andrew@osteoklinika.com. - Andrew Subieta M.Sc., R.M.T., CLT
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