Bio-Structural Integration™ rehabilitation provides quick relief of pain and is a unique, trademarked process at Osteoklinika.
Over 15 years ago we discovered that therapy centered around only one system simply does not work. Why? The body naturally functions as a unit. When we get injured the central nervous system may be affected, the joints will develop misalignment, the muscles will be in spasm, connective tissue and fascia become tight, the inflammatory process sets in, even internal organs can be affected. Every cell in our body works synergetically together to maintain homeostasis. When one system is disturbed the other cannot function properly. In our method of Bio-Structural Integration™ we address the dysfunction at every level.
Within one treatment Cranial Osteopathy is used to release central nervous system lesions. After that Osteopathic Structural Adjustments are used to correct the joints, followed by Myofascial Release of connective tissue.
Neuromuscular Massage is implemented to reduce muscular tension, and electrotherapy helps to interrupt the pain cycle.
All of the above are done within a 1 hour treatment. After the structure is realigned, we recommend BioFlex Low Light Laser Therapy to deal with inflammation. Now the healing is stimulated at the cellular level. This session may take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the condition being treated. Elimination of inflammatory process assists in structural stabilization of the joints.
The program of rehabilitation is around 5 weeks long and provides consistently over 90% of success in bringing back a pain-free life. If you have tried every possible known therapy and still have pain, you shouldn't give up! During many years of my practice I developed protocols for numerous difficult-to-treat conditions.
Disorders of the Spine
Disorders of the Spine
Current non-surgical treatments include analgesics, anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS), bed rest, spinal manipulation, massage and physical therapy. These tend to mask or only temporarily relieve symptoms. In most instances, this approach is ineffective and may even generate adverse effects.
Low Back Pain
Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, which is prevalent among the public population in Canada. Depending on the severity of the patients’ pain, different treatments are selected for them. Few studies have addressed, so far, the therapeutic effects of laser in such pains and different results have been published in this regard. The aim of a recent study is to investigate the therapeutic effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on these diseases.
Study:Core Stability/Physical Exercise

Therapeutic Effects of Low Level Laser Sixty patients are randomly divided into three groups, one received low level laser therapy (LLLT), the second group the low level laser and physical exercises simultaneously and the other the laser placebo and physical exercises simultaneously. Laser therapy was performed for 6 weeks, two sessions per week. Pain and disability were measured and compared, at 0, 6 and 12 weeks after the treatment in the three groups.
At the conclusion of the study, it was revealed that laser therapy, accompanied with physical exercise, can be the most effective way for improving the chronic back pain including pain relief and reduction of disability in the patients. *
In 2013, a comparitive study between LLLT with core stability exercise and electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) with core stability exercise on chronic low back patients, revealed that LLLT and core stability exercise is more effective than TENS with core stability exercise in improving pain and function in the patients with chronic lower back pain.

We provide professional osteopathic care; relieving pain, reducing stiffness and increasing mobility, so you may feel better as soon as possible. Please call us to book your consultation at 905.660.8810. - Andrew Subieta, M.Sc., R.M.T., C.L.T.
Also, please check our website at for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™, or our Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter pages.
*Sirous Momenzadeh, Farshad Hasanzadeh Kiabi, Mohammadreza Moradkhani Mehri Hoseinnejad Moghadam (Spine Month)
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