What is the difference between Chiropractic and Osteopathy?
"A matter of preference!"
It’s a commonly asked question of two very similar practices.
Osteopathy and Chiropractics share one common ideology; the spine plays an integral role in good health maintenance. The treatment of musculoskeletal aches and pains, or complaints that stem from a spinal dysfunction, are the primary objective of both Osteopaths and Chiropractors.
The Differences

Although how they chose to treat varies slightly, you can see how it is easy to confuse the two practices.
“Straight chiropractors” tend to stick to pain management through spinal adjustment, whereas osteopaths and “therapeutic chiropractors” tend to treat the individual in a more holistic manner. They may recommend supplements, and exercises and many chiropractors also practice acupuncture.
Osteopathic physicians, licensed to practice in the United States should not be confused with non-physician osteopaths. Osteopathic physicians who are educated and trained in the United States are considered fully licensed physicians in Canada and are primary healthcare providers.
Techniques Used
Chiropractors are generally trained in a wider variety of complex but safe spinal manipulations than Osteopaths, while Osteopaths tend to incorporate a wider range of techniques in general, usually incorporating stretching, pressure and mobilization into treatments.
Many Chiropractors are now also incorporating soft tissue massage and stretching into their appointments. Osteopaths are also trained in Cranial-sacral therapy, which involves very gentle and subtle adjustments of the cranial plates.
What they have in Common
Both practitioners refer to MRI’s and X-Rays in order to treat. Chiropractor visits tend to happen on a more regular basis. Osteopaths tend to have longer patient visits and visits are usually spaced out, although as with everything there is quite a bit of variation depending on the individual practitioners.
So the next question is how do you choose?
Again it all comes down to individual preference. Try a few treatments out, in the end it is most important that you feel comfortable and satisfied with your doctor and the treatment he or she is providing. Both practitioners go to school for 5 - 6 years to learn what they do.
What is different about Osteoklinika?
At Osteoklinika we have a unique combination of treatments. Bio-Structural Integration™ is a method of treatment combining Osteopathy, Massage Therapy, Electrotherapy, Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) and rehabilitative exercises. Within a one hour treatment, osteopathic adjustments correct the issues within the CNS, the joints, connective tissue (including fascia and ligaments) and viscera. Neuromuscular Massage Therapy releases tight muscles and electrotherapy breaks the pain cycle. In many cases this is still not enough because the chronic inflammation, creating congestion of dense fluids around the joints, muscles and internal organs, will prevent healing and structural stabilization. In this case, we recommend LILT.
BioFlex Laser Therapy triggers many positive physiological reactions at the cellular level removing inflammatory fluids. When this is achieved adjustment of the subluxated joints and release of the soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc.) becomes much easier.
Rehabilitative exercises stretch and strengthen muscles and connective tissues allowing for optimal alignment of the body. Utilizing this method of Bio-Structural Integration™ restores normal range of motion, eliminates pain and ultimately will improve your quality of life.
For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810. Also, please check our website www.osteoklinika.com for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™ at Osteoklinika!
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