As part of our Bio-Structural Integration™ process we use this amazing technology!
What is Laser Therapy? (Low Intensity Laser)
The technology utilizes super luminous and laser diodes to irradiate diseased or traumatized tissue with photons. These particles of energy are selectively absorbed by the cell membrane and intracellular molecules, resulting in the initiation of a cascade of complex physiological reactions, leading to the restoration of normal cell structure and function.
The process is curative and therefore results in the elimination of symptoms including pain. In addition, it enhances the body's immune system response and facilitates natural healing.

The therapy is completely safe and has no adverse side effects.
The technology is highly effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, arthritis, sports injuries, wound healing and a wide range of dermatological conditions.
What are the Clinical Benefits of Laser Therapy?
production and release of
- Endorphins - natural analgesics
- Cortisol - precursor of cortisone
- Growth hormone - instrumental in tissue repair
- ATP - improves and regulates cellular metabolism
In addition, there is -
- Increased protein synthesis - collagen, DNA, fibroblasts
- Venous and lymphatic flow facilitated
- Increased angiogenesis - elevation of oxygen saturation
- Enhanced immune response, etc.
These are just some of the many processes that accelerate cellular regeneration (cartilage, epithelium) and restore normal cell morphology and function.
"To me, at this point in time, it would almost be medical negligence bordering on medical malpractice not to try laser treatment before prescribing drugs or surgery for conditions such as these. ..." Dr. Phil Harrington
For more information, Andrew Subieta and the clinic staff can be reached at Osteoklinika Pain Management & Rehabilitation 905.660.8810. Also, please check our website for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™.
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