Aim for moderate drinking over the holiday season as it will minimize the level of pain and the conditions you could develop. Heaving drinking can contribute to many conditions due to inflammation. And we all know, inflammation is the devil! Here are some examples:
Inflammation of the Muscles
Heavy drinking can lead to a condition called alcoholic myositis, which is inflammation of the muscles, mainly in the shoulders and chest. It causes a lot of pain and is quite common among heavy drinkers.
Psoriasis or Bruising
Studies have found that high levels of alcohol consumption can exacerbate the skin condition psoriasis (reddish spots and patches covered with silvery scales). Bruising is also increased, due to a lack of vitamin C. The skin may also become dryer due to higher levels of dehydration caused by drinking alcohol.
Heavy, prolonged alcohol abuse is thought to be the third highest cause of dementia (permanent loss of brain cells) in hospitalised patients. Without treatment, it lead s to progressive mental deterioration.
Inflammation of the Oesophagus
Oesophagitis (inflammation of the oesophagus) is the main complication of gastrooesophageal reflux. This is caused by the toxic effect of alcohol on the oesophagus, making it more permeable and allowing the entry of cytotoxic substances. Without treatment and abstinence from alcohol, it can progress to ulcers.
Heavy alcohol abuse is the main factor in oesophageal cancer in the western world. The risk is considerably increased where there is combined alcohol and tobacco addiction.
Inflammation of the Nerves

Gout: Inflammation of the Joints
A common cause of gout, which is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints due to the build-up of crystals of uric acid, is strongly linked to heavy drinking. Gout is generally considered a genetically inherited condition, but it is exacerbated by alcohol.
This holiday season, consider moderate eating and drinking. It can be a lot less painful in the end. It's a bummer to develop conditions as a result of too much alcohol, don't you think so?
Bio-Structural Integration™
At Osteoklinika our goal is not only to relieve pain but to treat pathological changes that occur in the tissues of the body that led to discomfort, inflammation and restricted range of motion. This approach addresses many musculoskeletal conditions down to the cellular level, therefore speeding up recovery. We call it the method of Bio-Structural Integration™. Our objective is to find the source of the problem, correct it and allow the body to return to a normal physiological balance and this can occur at any age! It is not too late to turn it around! Please call me at 905.660.8810 or visit my website at - Andrew Subieta, M.Sc. R.M.T. C.L.T.
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