Nearly 30 percent may be struggling with back pain right
now, which can cause debilitating symptoms, leading many to resign themselves
to a lifetime of taking prescription painkillers, receiving expensive steroid
shots or even opting for surgery.
But before trying these conventional options, which have
questionable effectiveness and more than their fair share of side effects, why
not try a safe alternative treatment that many have not yet heard of?
Osteopathic Manipulation
If you have chronic lower back pain, you may want to
consult an osteopathic manual practitioner or DOMP. As many of you know the Osteopathic
practice considers the "whole person" approach to medicine, treating
the entire person rather than just symptoms.
An osteopathic practitioner received additional training in adjusting the
musculoskeletal system - your body's interconnected system of nerves, muscles
and bones that make up two-thirds of your body mass. Osteopathic manipulative
medicine provides osteopaths with a better understanding of how an injury or
illness in one part of your body can affect another. At Osteoklinika we call this approach Bio-Structural
Osteoklinika's Bio-Structural Integration™

Osteoklinika's Bio-Structural Integration™

Every cell in our body works synergistically together to
maintain homeostasis. When one system is disturbed the other cannot function
properly. In my method of Bio-Structural Integration™, I address the
dysfunction at every level. Within one treatment I use Cranial Osteopathy to
release central nervous system lesions. After that I use an Osteopathic Muscle
Energy Technique to correct the joints, followed by Myofascial Release of
connective tissue. Neuromuscular Massage is implemented to reduce muscular tension,
and electrotherapy helps to interrupt the pain cycle. All of the above is done
within a 1 hour treatment.
After the structure is realigned I might recommend
BioFlex Low Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) to deal with inflammation. Healing is
now stimulated at the cellular level. This session may take 30 minutes to 1
hour depending on the condition being treated and the protocol selected.
Elimination of inflammatory process assists in structural stabilization of the
joints. As a result, muscles and ligaments relax; fascia releases its tension,
flexibility increases bringing back normal range of motion and reduction of
The program of rehabilitation could be up to 5 weeks long
and provides more than 90% of success in bringing back a pain free life. If you
have tried every possible known therapy and still have pain, you should not
give up! Surgery should be the last
resort! During many years of practice I
developed protocols for numerous difficult-to-treat conditions.
Study Shows Moderate to Substantial Improvement with Osteopathic Manipulation
Osteopathic manipulation, which may involve moving joints back into place, massaging soft tissue and helping you relax stressed muscles, was recently found to reduce chronic low back pain in a study of 455 people.
Osteopathic manipulation, which may involve moving joints back into place, massaging soft tissue and helping you relax stressed muscles, was recently found to reduce chronic low back pain in a study of 455 people.

This is a safe “alternative” treatment that should
actually be regarded as a preferable treatment choice to drugs, steroids and
Chronic Lower Back Pain Posture, Depression
Poor posture while sitting, or long hours spent sitting
in any position, is one of the key reasons why people develop chronic back pain
in the first place.

If you ignore the signs of back pain this can develop into other forms of referred pain around the body, such as neck, shoulder or leg pain. Longer term this can have deep psychological ramifications which makes it harder for a patient to accept recovery as an achievable goal and like most long term health conditions can lead to depression.

We provide professional osteopathic care; relieving pain, reducing stiffness and increasing mobility, so you may feel better as soon as possible. Please call us to book your consultation at 905.660.8810. - Andrew Subieta, M.Sc., R.M.T., C.L.T. andrew@osteoklinika.com
Also, please check our website at www.osteoklinika.com for more information about Bio-Structural Integration™, or our Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter pages.
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